Chapter H1
Lucifer's Rebellion

The King James Bible
Here you may evaluate the Swordbearer Edition of the King James Bibe. The KJV has only ChapterVu, not QuikLinks (see ChapterVu instructions on page 2 of the Bible below), but ChapterVu will not work properly in this online viewer, (and QuikLinks are only in the PDF download of the complete AOR Bible study). Note: The simple search function (magnifying glass) works quickly and well in this online viewer. For your own free copy of a fully-functioning KJV with ChapterVu (the Bible only, no AOR), click a download button on this page.
If you want to download the entire PDF Bible study containing AOR, KJV, QuikLinks, and ChapterVu, go to the page at the above Whole Bible Study link.
If you just want to read the Bible study online, I recommend the individual chapters (with specialized informative bookmarks) at the AOR BIBLE STUDY page - click HERE.